The Shadowy World of Variables.


In computer programming, a variable or scalar is a storage location paired with an associated symbolic name (an identifier), which contains some known or unknown quantity or information referred to as a value.
Variables are placeholders for an value.
For example:
int a=100; // say a represents placeholder of 100 value.

Shadowing of Variables

Whenever we are using same variable name for holding differnet data in different blocks, then that support of programming knowldge id called as Shadow of variables.
int a=10;
int a=100;
int a=1000;
For example:


URL(Uniform Resource Locator) locates as well as identifies a resource.
URL defines the network location of a specific resource and states how that resource can be obtained.
For example: is a URL with location of resource and http is a protocol to access that resource. is a URL with location of resource and ftp is a protocol to access that resource.

Note: All URLs are URIs. But all URIs are not URLs.


URI(Uniform Resource Name), a type of URI, basically states what something is, but do not have information on how to access it.
For example:
author: James F. Kurose
title: Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach
ISBN-10: 8131790541
this is URN and is pointed by URL to Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach